Recently, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Khemmu, Alia Bhatt, and Ranbir Kapoor were seen at Lilavati Hospital, where they came to support Saif Ali Khan during his recovery from a serious incident at his Bandra residence. The actor was attacked by an intruder, leading to multiple stab wounds, but is now stable after undergoing surgery. This shocking event has left the film industry on edge, with many expressing relief over Saif’s condition.
Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Khemmu & others visit Saif Ali Khan
Soha Ali Khan and her husband Kunal Khemmu were spotted visiting Saif, demonstrating their concern for his well-being. After their visit, they left the hospital, emphasizing the importance of family support during such a challenging time. The presence of loved ones has been a source of comfort for Saif as he navigates his recovery.
A touching moment was captured on camera, showing Kunal Khemmu tenderly comforting a visibly emotional Soha Ali Khan as they departed from the hospital. This highlights the deep bond they share, especially during difficult moments.
Ranbir-Alia visit Saif
Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt also paid a visit to Saif, demonstrating their concern for his health. The couple was seen making their way to his hospital room, visibly worried about their friend’s condition.
In addition to Soha and Kunal, Karisma Kapoor, Saif’s sister, was present at the hospital. Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan, both appeared anxious about their father’s state. Ibrahim was notably the first to arrive at the hospital late in the evening. It shows his deep concern for Saif’s well-being. This gathering of family and friends underscores the strong support system surrounding Saif Ali Khan as he recovers from this traumatic experience.